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1911 Delhi Durbar. An interesting letter posted at the Durbar on 13th December
A letter written on three sides a small folded sheet of writing paper with heading BINDUKURI P.O., ASSAM., dated Decr. 6th 1911, signed Your loving child, Edith Skinner. The writer says she has given the letter to a friend who was going to be in Delhi so the envelope will bear the new stampand coronation postmark to add to your collection. The envelope carries the 1 Anna red stamp with the crowned head of King Emperor George V and has the cancellation mark for 13th December 1911 CORONATION DURBAR-1911 GRI and is addressed to Mrs Sherer, 41 Eaton Rise, Ealing, London W. The Sherer family saw long service in India, producing generals and an admiral in the 19th century. mar8/1
Edith Skinner [née Sherer] had been born in India in 1858 when her father Joseph Ford Sherer [later Major-General] had been serving with the Sylhet Light Infantry during the Mutiny. He is highly regarded in sporting circles and known as The Father of English Polo.
Mrs Sherer [1836-1921] was the former Charlotte Catherine Goldney daughter of Colonel Philip Goldney who was killed in the Mutiny. See elsewhere on the website for her mother’s book Escape from Sultanpoor in 1857.
William Skinner was manager of the Bengal United Tea Company in Assam.
1 in stock