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19th Hussars. Sir John French, later 1st Earl of Ypres. As a Colonel in the 19th Hussars circa 1890
19th Prince of Wales’s Own Hussars. A very good cabinet card John Denton Pinkstone French shown bust length in the uniform of a Colonel and wearing his medals for the Egypt campaign. The card, by Lambert Weston & Son, Folkestone & Dover shows the officer at an early stage in his illustrious career, around 1890. Hart’s Army List 1888 shows him commanding the regiment and gives his service record: Lt, Colonel French served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 19th Hussars, and was present in the engagements at Abu Klea and Metemmeh (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive’s Star). It was in the Gordon Relief expedition that he first distinguished himself and this led to his rapid promotion, commanding the Cavalry in South Africa, etc. mar19/1
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