
A set of 23 French volumes bound in half vellum, 1798

£440.00 £290.00

This group of books can be seen in the view 11078 above on the middle shelf where they occupy approximately 25inches of shelf space. Each volume is octavo 8 x 5 ins and is bound in half vellum over pebbled red cloth. They comprise the works of Condillac, Oeuvres de Condillac, and were published in Paris by Ch Houel in 1798 [also identified as An VI, year six in the short lived Revolutionary Calendar]. The set were disposed of some years ago by the Library of the Athenaeum and bear a small gilt blocked motif of the Athenaeum at the foot of the spine and each volume has a presentation bookplate from George Rennie FRS to the front pastedown. Thgis shows the head of Athene similar to that which can be seen on the statue outside the Club off Pall Mall today. George Rennie was a distinguished civil engineer and inventor of mechanical devices. He succeeded his father as Clerk of the Irons at the Mint [in charge of dies] and worked with his brother to complete and further projects of his father [see DNB].

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