ALWAR. The Viceroy, Lord Minto, with the Maharaja of Alwar reviewing his Lancers 1909


H.E. Lord Minto, the Viceroy of India reviewing the Alwar Lancers with H.H. The Maharaja of Alwar during a viceregal visit to the state in 1909. The 11¼ x 8¼ ins photograph is pasted to an old card album leaf. It is a little affected by vertical, central light intusion but is generally a well toned image, recalling the splendour and scale of these distant events.  mar2/1

The Maharaja wears the uniform of his Lancers and the Viceroy wears a tropical uniform. At this time the young ruler was the receipt of praise from the British but his developing cruelty was to lead to his removal from office later.