A young Indian Prince, probably of Narsinghgarh
A large 11½ x 9½ formal portrait of a young Prince seated on a typical silver covered throne chair with lion arms. He wears court dress with jewels a particularly elaborate headdress with pendant jewels to the sarpech and egret tufts suggesting a ruling prince. The two attendant aides de camp wear uniform with belt buckles which appear to have a design incorporating a large ornate letter N which could be a clue to the state. He could possibly be H.H. Vikram Singh, Raja of Narsinghgarh and there seems to be a V imposed on the N. The Raja of this 11 gun salute state was born in 1909 and ruled from 1924 to 1947, The ADC on the left wears medals for srvice in World War I and has a sword of Indian tulwar style whereas the one on the right carries a British style of sword with a hilt that suggests a naval design. The portrait has some loss of surface around the edges but not affecting the figures and the photograph is mounted on photographer’s card, 18 x 14 ins but without a printed credit and with minor damage at the corners, probably 1920s. may3/1
1 in stock