Lucknow. A delivery team from the Military Dairy with a HLI soldier i charger
An interesting and pleasingly obscure cabinet card view of a delivery cart of the Military Dairy, Lucknow pulled by two ponies and with a team of one British soldier and two Indians. The card is by Omaid Singh and Sons, Sudder Bazaar. LUCKNOW who probably note that they are UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF THE GENERAL OFFICER COMMANDING LUCKNOW DN. Although this sort of photographis is otten overlooked in the search for glamorous uniforms and action images it is an importrant part of the Indian Army where the tea on which the soldier often depends would be impossible without its milk supply. mar21/4
The rather unusually shaped cloth badge in th soldier’s helmet identifies him as a member of the Highland Light Infantry, wearing the distinctive Scotish doublet. The buckle worn by the Indian is also very distinctive.
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