Madras Quarterly Army List of 1879 an original Madras printing. A Deputy Surgeon General’s copy.
The Quarterly Army List, of Her Majesty’s British and Indian Forces of the Madras Establishment, corrected to 31st December, 1879. By Authority, Adjutant General’s Office, Fort Saint George, 1st January, 1880. Printed at the Lawrence Asylum Press [Madras]. 1880 1st edition 8vo.
[ii Advertisement, 308pp, 51pp Civil List, [ii General Orders], [ii Civil Index], xvii Military index and general index, pp33-90 General Orders, [ii Bankers & Agents]. Re-bound in stout modern dark blue half leather gilt [originally produced in paper wrappers]. An interesting association copy printed during the 2nd Afghan War. The first page advertisement has a contemporary inscription in a secretarial hand For D.S.G. Theobalds. Further notes about Deputy Surgeon General John Robert Theobalds appear in manuscript form on a preceding blank and the IMS pages, 194-200 are very heavily annotated [intermittent annotation appears elsewhere]. The pagination of General Orders beginning at p33 is not particularly significant and nothing seems to be missing. Locally printed lists are often found with confusing pagination. At this time there were British cavalry regiments 12th Lancers & 14th Hussars stationed in the Presidency and the following line regiments – 13th, 16th, 21st, 33rd, 43rd, 44th, 48th, 67th, & 89th. The book also has details of the Hyderabad Contingent and lists officers serving in British Burma. Most people rely on modern reprints as the original editions like this are much harder to find. may19/6.
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