Major General Henry Wylie Norman, C.B., a good cdv, circa 1870


A very good, richly toned carte de visite by Bourne & Shepherd, Simla showing a full length seated portrait of the general wearing frock coat with medals and sword.   jan12/1

Field Marshal Sir Henry Wylie Norman as he later became. lived 1826-1904 joined the East India Company’s 31st Bengal Native Infantry in 1844, first seeing action in the 1848-9 Punjab [his first medal with two clasps]. Other actions in the north west army represented by his second medal. His third medal, with three clasps. was awarded for his service throughout the Indian Mutiny, much of the time as Adjutant General. He wears miniature medals which were commonly worn with most uniforms at the time. His sword is the of the general officer’s mameluke pattern. Portraits we have had previously usually showed him in later life when he was more prominent as Military Secretary to the Government of India and afterwards. One of our illustrations shows his War Services as printed in Hart’s Army List 1875. jan12/1