The Earl of Minto’s Indian Administration. The official account.


Summary of the Administration of The Earl of Minto, Viceroy and Governor General of India, in the Home Department. November 1905 to November 1910.  Printed at the Government Central Branch Press [Simla] 1910. 1st edition Folio.

xiv, 350pp. The book is divided into following sections: Introductory [pp1-4], Political Movements [pp5-21],  Constitutional Reforms [pp22-36], administrative [pp37-77], Judicial [pp78-120], Police [pp121-141]. Penal (a) Indian Jails [pp141-151] (b) Port Blair [pp152-162], Educational ;pp163=210, Ecclesiastical [pp212-224]. Local Self-Government [pp225-271], Sanitary [pp271-289, Plague [pp291-300], Legislation [pp301-311],  Miscellaneous [pp315-35], Half leather but worn and scuffed, the spine leather with and sections missing or hanging loose, upper board virtually detached but text block is firm and quite clean,  The top of the title page is stamped in red ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ and there are several old library stamps to the title page, prelims and occasionally elsewhere. title page printed at the top CONFIDENTIAL.  There is an old Ministry of Home Affairs to the title page and last page of text and a damaged old label to the front board reads Please return to HON’RLE HOME MEMBER’S OFFICE ROOM.  A striking feature of this period is the indication of discontent, revolutionary stirrings, press attacks, attempted assassinations, etc., heralding the coming storm. A scarce official publication which will have had a very limited circulation. We have had similar volumes for other Viceroys but they have been much slimmer volumes.   feb19/1

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