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14th Madras Native Infantry, a scarce pair of early Company period officer’s epaulettes
A handsome pair of gold bullion officer’s epaulettes, each with a 16mm button of the 14th Madras Native Infantry. These are the parts of an officer’s uniform which are most often missing when one does come across an East India Company coatee. They are in excellent external condition with the gilt still bright. When viewed in the illustrations where they are shown side by side it will be seen that the lining of the one on the right is considerably damaged although it does retain part of the original London outfitter’s label. The buttons have a closed back and the battle honour MAHIDPOOR on a garter with the regimental number XIV in the centre and a royal crown above. The regiment’s 1st Battalion fought at the 1817 battle during the Pindaree or 3rd Mahratta War. dec28/1
NOTE: As the pattern was worn by all the Madras infantry of the time a reduction will be made if the button is not required. I will also consider selling these separately.